giovedì 17 marzo 2011

tribute to the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy

It is a special anniversary for Italy, which today makes 150 years of life: a day when all the big brands have celebrated this event by a tribute tricolor flag from fashion to cars, boats, food etc ...

È un anniversario particolare per l'Italia, che oggi compie 150 anni di vita: un giorno in cui tutte le grande marche hanno celebrato questo evento facendo un omaggio tricolore dalla moda alle auto, barche, gastronomia etc...

C'est un anniversaire spécial pour l'Italie, qui fait aujourd'hui 150 ans: un jour où toutes les grandes marques ont célébré cet événement par un drapeau tricolore, de la mode aux voitures, bateaux, gastronomie etc ...

with love by miss faty ;-)

10 commenti:

  1. Happy anniversary! :D
    P.S: I love the cake :D

  2. Great color combination!!! ;)

    T'as envie de gagner un sac Esprit d'une valeur de 60 euros. Take a look at my blog Fatyyyy!!!

  3. Fatyyyyyy mercii
    on attend un articleeee de toi :D

  4. Ahh super, rome cest magnifique jy suis deja aller une fois j'ai pas regretter! Jespere que tu nous a ramener des photos haha :p

  5. good post!!!xx

  6. I'm studying Italian Unification for my history A-Level right now, its really interesting :) xx

  7. such cool photos! the combination is awesome!
    and thank you for following. i am now your follower too :D
